Debits and Credits made simple...

The Accounting Lab is an online resource with a mixture of free and affordable training that helps entrepreneurs understand basic accounting principles and functions that they can apply in their businesses.

Based on the concept of a college learning lab, the Accounting lab was designed as a place where do-it-yourself entrepreneurs could bring their accounting-related questions and get real answers from certified professionals and learn together without paying the high hourly rates that typically come with professional services. 

Why Accounting?

  • Accounting is recording and tracking your cashflow – the life blood of your business.
  • Understanding accounting will help you work with your accountant, advisors, bankers and investors.
  • Owners who understand and are actively involved in the accounting of the business have the largest impact in preventing fraud in their business.
  • Five of the top 10 reasons for business failure come from a lack of accounting knowledge.
  • Accounting is the language of business. You can’t understand your business if you don’t understand its accounting.

The Bootstrapper’s Guide

Taught by professional trainer and Certified Public Accountant, Tory Norman, each episode answers a viewer question or teaches an accounting concept or software tip that you can start applying in your business today. Check out all of our past episodes on the BSG channel or ask your own questions below.

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Find Accounting Answers

Do you have an accounting question? We’re here to help. We can’t advise you on your specific business situation, that’s why we recommend these trusted advisors. For everything else though, send us your question here and we might answer it through our social media channels or as a video on the Bootstrapper’s Guide. For ideas on questions, check out our social media sites below.

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